African Country Requirements

Undergraduate Admissions & Transfer Standards 

Students who meet or exceed the following academic credentials for admission to undergraduate programs are encouraged to apply. Note that satisfaction of minimum academic standards is only one factor in admission decisions. If your country is not listed below, please contact our Credential Evaluation Specialist.

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent
  • Certificado de Habilitação Literária  (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
  • Professor de Ensino Básico (Elementary Education Teacher)
  • Básico or Técnico Médio (Middle Level Technician)
During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application
  • Copias de Histórico escolar/certificados de estudios/certificados de notas/certificados containing a record of all courses taken and individual grades received
  • Copias de Certificados/Secondary School Certificate
  • Authorized word-for-word English translation of all academic documents

Please note: Applicants who are in their final year of secondary school can be considered for admission based on their partial grade reports/transcripts.

Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide:
  • Official Certificado de Habilitação Literária
  • Official Certificado de Habilitação Literária, Professor de Ensino Básico or Técnico Médio.
Secondary School Grading Scale:
Number Scale Portuguese (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
16-20 Excelente (Excellent) A 4.00
13-15 Bom (Good) B 3.00
10-12 Suficiente (Sufficient) C 2.00
1-9 Reprovado (Insufficient) F 0.00
Transfer Credit:
  • A Bacharelato is considered 3 years towards a US Bachelor’s. Credit may be awarded on a course-by-course basis.
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Portuguese


Revised: January 2024

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent
  • Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Secondaire - Secondary Education Baccalaureate
  • Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Secondaire Technique (Technical Education Baccalaureate)
  • Certificat Élémentaire ďAptitude Professionnelle (Elementary Certificate of Professional Ability)
  • The Diplôme de Technicien Industriel/DTI - Industrial Technician Diploma
During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application
  • Copies of bulletins de notes, relevés de notes, academic transcripts containing a record of all courses taken and individual grades received
  • Copies of Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Secondaire
  • Copies of Authorized word-for-word English translation

Please note: Applicants who are in their final year of secondary school can be considered for admission based on their partial grade reports/transcripts.

Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide
  • Official Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Secondaire
  • Official bulletins de notes, relevés de notes
Secondary School Grading Scale
Number Scale French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20 Très Bien (Very Good) A 4.00
12-13.9 Bien (Good) B+ 3.33
11-11.9 Assez Bien (Fairly Good) B 3.00
10.5-10.9 Passable (Passing) B- 2.67
10.1-10.4 Moyen (Sufficient) C+ 2.33
10 Moyen (Sufficient) C 2.00
9-9.9 Moyen (Sufficient) C- 1.67
8-8.9 Insuffisant (Insufficient) D 1.00
0-7.9 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00

Grades of 18 – 20 are rarely given. There is no grade of D in Benin. However, as with most countries that are patterned after the French educational system, grades of 8 and 9, which are normally failing grades, may be accepted as a “condoned pass” (U.S. grade of D) provided the overall grade average for the year (moyenne general) is 10.0 / 20, or higher. 

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • French

Revised: July 2024

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent
  • Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE)
Basis of Admission
  • Five passes (at a minimum of Grade C) including English Language and Mathematics
During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application
  • Copies of BGCSE Certificate(s), OR
  • Copies of BGCSE Result Slip(s)
Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide
  • Official BGCSE Certificate(s) Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MoESD)
Secondary School Grading Scale
Letter Grade Number Scale US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A*/A 8 A 4.00
B 7 B+ 3.33
C 6 B 3.00
D 5 C 2.00
E 4 C 2.00
F 3 D 1.00
G 2 D 1.00
U 0 F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Revised: June 2020

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent
  • Diplôme ďEtat - State Diploma
  • Diplôme de Technicien A2 - Technician A2 Diploma
During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application
  • Copies of bulletins de notes/relevés de notes, containing a record of all courses taken and individual grades received for each year of study, and
  • Copies of the Diplôme ďEtat or
  • Copies of the Diplôme de Technicien A2
  • Copies of authorized word-for-word English translation when the document is not issued in English.

Please note: Applicants who are in their final year of secondary school can be considered for admission based on their partial grade reports/transcripts.

Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide
  • Official Diplôme ďEtat plus bulletins de notes/relevés de notes, containing a record of all courses taken and individual grades received for each year of study
  • Official Diplôme de Technicien A2 plus bulletins de notes/relevés de notes, containing a record of all courses taken and individual grades received for each year of study
Grading Scale 1 - Francophone system:
Number Scale French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20 Très Bien (Very Good) A 4.00
12-13.9 Bien (Good) B+ 3.33
11-11.9 Assez Bien (Fairly Good) B 3.00
10.5-10.9 Passable (Passing) B- 2.67
10.1-10.4 Moyen (Sufficient) C+ 2.33
10 Moyen (Sufficient) C 2.00
9-9.9 Moyen (Sufficient) C- 1.67
8-8.9 Insuffisant (Insufficient) D 1.00
0-7.9 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00
Grading Scale 2:
Number Scale French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
90.00 - 100.00 Excellent (Excellent) A 4.00
80.00 - 89.00 La plus grande distinction (Highest Distinction) A 4.00
70.00 - 79.00 Grande Distinction (High Distinction) B 3.00
60.00 - 69.00 Distinction (Distinction) B- 2.67
50.00 - 59.00 Satisfaction (Satisfactory) C 2.00
0.00 - 49.00 Fail (Ajourné/échec) F 0.00
Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records


Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • French

Revised: July 2024

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent
  • Cameroon General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-levels) 
  • Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire (Secondary Education Baccalaureate) (13 years)
Secondary School Grading Scale - Francophone System
Number Scale French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20 Très Bien (Very Good) A 4.00
12-13.9 Bien (Good) B+ 3.33
11-11.9 Assez Bien (Fairly Good) B 3.00
10.5-10.9 Passable (Passing) B- 2.67
10.1-10.4 Moyen (Sufficient) C+ 2.33
10 Moyen (Sufficient) C 2.00
9-9.9 Moyen (Sufficient) C- 1.67
8-8.9 Insuffisant (Insufficient) D 1.00
0-7.9 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00
Secondary School Grading Scale (O-Levels) - Anglophone System
Indigenous Scale  US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A A 4.00
B A- 3.67
C B 3.00
D C 2.00
E C 2.00
Ungraded F 0.00
Advanced Standing - Anglophone - A-Levels
  • Up to 8 credits will be awarded for each Advanced Level result equivalent to a C or higher grade. See Equivalency Table:
A-level Grading Scale
Letter Grade US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A* A 4.00
A A 4.00
B A 4.00
C B 3.00
D C 2.00
E C 2.00


Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.
Advanced Standing - Francophone - Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire
  • Up to 32 credits of post-secondary credit may be awarded, as the Baccalauréat grants access to British-based post-secondary programs that typically require A-levels.
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English
  • French
Revised: May 2020
U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent
  • Diplôme d’Etat d’Etudes Secondaires du Cycle Long (State Diploma of the Long Cycle of Secondary Studies)
  • Brevet d’Instituteur (Primary School Teacher Certificate)
  • Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle / Brevet d'Aptitude Professionnelle (Certificate of Professional Ability)

During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application:

  • Copies of high school results
  • Copies of diploma/certificate
  • Authorized word-for-word English translations

Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide:

  • Official Diplôme d’Etat d’Etudes Secondaires  issued by the Ministry of Education
  • Official bulletin de notes/high school examination results for the baccalauréat examination issued by the Ministry of Education.
Secondary School Grading Scale 1 - Francophone
Number Scale French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20 Très bien (Very Good) A 4.00
12-13.9 Bien (Good) B+ 3.33
11-11.9 Assez bien (Fairly Good) B 3.00
10.5-10.9 Passable (Passing) B- 2.67
10.1-10.4 Moyen (Sufficient) C+ 2.33
10 Moyen (Sufficient) C 2.00
9-9.9 Moyen (Sufficient) C- 1.67
8-8.9 Insuffisant (Insufficient) D 1.00
0-7.9 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00
Grading Scale 2
Percentage Scale French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
90-100 Excellent (Excellent) A 4.00
80-89 La Plus Grande Distinction (Highest Distinction) A- 3.67
70-79 Grande Distinction (High Distinction) B 3.00
60-69 Distinction (Distinction) B- 2.67
50-59 Safistaction (Satisfactory) C 2.00
0-49 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00

Please note: 

  • It takes up to 3 years for the final diploma to be issued by the government. Applicants can be considered for admissions with the Certificat de Reussite + 6 years of Releve de Notes (6 years of high school transcripts).
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • French

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.

Revised: July 2024

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent
  • Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)
  • Baccalauréat Technique (Technical Baccalaureate)
  • Brevet de Technicien (Technician Certificate)
  • Brevet d'Etudes Technique (Certificate of Technical Studies)
During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application
  • Copies of Relevé de notes/Bulletin de Notes
  • Copies of Diploma issued by the Ministry of Education
  • Copies of Authorized word-for-word English translation
Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide
  • Official Relevé de notes/Bulletin de Notes
Secondary School Grading Scale 
Score French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20 Très bien (Very good) A 4.00
12-13.9 Bien (Good) B+ 3.33
11-11.9 Assez Bien (Good Enough) B 3.00
10.5-10.9 Assez Bien (Good Enough) B- 2.67
10.1-10.4 Passable (Passing) C+ 2.33
10 Passable (Passing) C 2.00
9-9.9 Passable (Passing) C- 1.67
8-8.9   D 1.00
0-7.9 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00


Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • French


Revised: July 2024

US High School Diploma Equivalent
  • Thanaweya a`Amma (General Secondary Education Certificate)
  • Shehadet Thanawiya Zeraiya (Technical Secondary Education Certificate)
During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application
  • Copies of examination results issued in English and/or transcripts containing a record of all courses taken and individual grades received
  • Copies graduation certificate/diploma issued in English. For example: General Secondary Education Certificate, Technical Secondary Education Certificate

Please note: Applicants who are in their final year of secondary school/high school can be considered for admission based on their partial examination results/grade reports/transcripts.

Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide
  • Official certificates/transcripts showing date of graduation
Secondary School/High School Grading Scale
Percentage Scale Egyptian (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
85-100 Momtaz (Excellent) A 4.00
75-84 Gayed Gedan (Very Good) A 4.00
65-74 Gayed (Good) B 3.00
50-64 Maqboul (Pass) C 2.00
30-49 Daeef (Weak) F 0.00
0-29 Daeef Gedan (Very Weak) F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.

Advanced Standing
  • Advanced Technical Diploma - Awarded after completion of 5 years at a technical secondary school. Comparable up to one year of advanced standing credit if the technical/vocational subject matter is deemed acceptable.
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • Arabic
Revised: April 2024

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • Ethiopian General Secondary Education Certificate (EGSEC)/Ethiopian General School Leaving Certificate Examination (EGSCE) (Year 10) PLUS.
  • Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (EHEE) or Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (EUEEC) (Year 12) (Awarded since 2003).
  • Awarded through the year 2000 - The Ethiopian General School Leaving Certificate Examination (EGSLCE) / Ethiopian Secondary Leaving Certificate Examination (ESLCE), which was awarded through the year 2000, represents attainment of a level of education comparable to completion of senior high school in the United States.
  • 10+3 or level 4 certificate from a recognized institution and passing of the national COC examination for TVET (vocational).

Basis of Admission

  • Applicants must successfully complete 10+2 preparatory school education or 10+3 TVET.
  • Ethiopian General School Leaving Certificate Examination (EGSLCE) AND Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Certificate Examination (EHEECE) or Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (EUEE).

Secondary School / High School Grading Scale

Ethiopia General Secondary Education Certificate (EGSEC, Grade 10) Grading Scale

Letter Grade Percentage Scale US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 90.00-100.00 A 4.00
B 80.00-89.99 B 3.00
C 60.00-79.99 C 2.00
D 50.00-59.99 D 1.00
E 0.00-59.99 F 0.00

Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Certificate Examination (EHEECE)  (Year 12) -2017 Secondary School Leaving Examination - from 2017

Percentage Range Grade Points US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
75 - 100% 301 - 400 A 4.00
63 - 74% 251 - 300 A- 3.67
50 - 62% 201 - 250 B 3.00
25 - 49% 101 - 200 C 2.00
0 - 24% 0 - 100 F 0.00

Ethiopia University Entrance Examination (EUEE)

Percentage Scale US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
90.00-100.00 A 4.00
70.00-89.99 B 3.00
50.00-69.99 C 2.00
0.00-49.99 F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction:
  • English
Revised: March 2022

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  •  West Africa Senior School Certificate (WASSCE) administered by the West African Examination Council (WAEC)

Basis of Admission:

  • Five subjects with passing grades, including English and Math, and GPA average at or above 2.50.

During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application:

  • Copies of WASSCE certificate or result slips

Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide:

  • Official WASSCE Certificate issued directly by WAEC


Secondary School/ High School Grading Scale

West African Examinations Council (WAEC)

Letter/Number Grade Description Percentage Scale US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A1 Excellent 75-100 A 4.00
B2 Very Good 70-74 A 4.00
B3 Good 65-69 B 3.00
C4 Credit 60-64 B 3.00
C5 Credit 55-59 B 3.00
C6 Credit 50-54 B 3.00
D7 Pass 45-49 C 2.00
E8 Pass 40-44 C 2.00
F9 Failure 0-39 F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.

Revised: July 2024

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent
  • West African School Certificate, General Certificate of Education (WASSCE) administered by the West African Examination Council (WAEC) - (since 2006)
  • Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) - (until 2006)
Basis of Admission
  • WASSSCE holders - Five subjects passed grades A1-E8, including English and Math, with an average at or above 2.50 GPA.
  • SSSCE holders - Five subjects passed grades A-D, including English and Math, with an average at or above 2.50 GPA.
During the application process, applicants must apload the following documents into their online application:
  • Copies of WASSCE, SSSC or O-level Result slips
  • Copies of WASSCE, SSSC or O-level Certificates
Prior to registering for claasses, applicants must provide:
  • Official WASSCE, SSSC or O-level Certificates issued directly by WAEC
Secondary School Grading Scale
West Africa Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE)
Grade Second Scale Description U.S. Grade Equivalent USA Grade Point Average (GPA)
A1 75-100 Excellent A 4.00
B2 70-74 Very Good A 4.00
B3 65-69 Good B 3.00
C4 60-64 Credit B 3.00
C5 55-59 Credit B 3.00
C6 50-54 Credit B 3.00
D7 45-49 Pass C 2.00
E8 40-44 Pass C 2.00
F9 0-39 Fail F 0.00
Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSSCE)
Letter Grade Scale Description U.S. Grade Equivalent USA Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 1 Excellent A 4.00
B 2 Very Good A 4.00
C 3


B 3.00
D 4 Credit C 2.00
E 5 Pass D 1.00
F   Fail F 0.00
Advanced Standing
  • General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination (A-levels). Up to 8 credits will be awarded for each Advanced Level result equivalent to a C or higher grade. See Equivalency Table here.

Cambridge IGCSE, AS and A-levels Grading Scale
Cambridge IGCSE Level Cambridge International AS Level Cambridge International A Level US Grading Scale US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A*   A* A+ 4.00
A A A A 4.00
B B B A- 3.67
C C C B 3.00
D D D C+ 2.33
E E E C 2.00
F n/a n/a D+ 1.33
G n/a n/a D 1.00
Ungraded Ungraded Ungraded F 0.00
Transfer Credit
Higher National Diploma (HND)
  • Ghanaian universities are developing transfer policies for the admission of HND graduates into Bachelor's degree programs. HND graduates who obtained first or second class honors can be admitted into level 200 (second year) or level 300 (third year), depending on the relevance of their HND to the university major.
  • HNDs are not the equivalent of Bachelor's degree holders and should not be considered for graduate admission, but can be considered for transfer undergraduate admission.

Higher National Diploma (HND) Grading Scale

Percentage Classifaction US Grading Scale US Grade Point Average (GPA)
70% or above Distinction A 4.00
60-69% Merit B+/A- 3.50
50-59% Pass B 3.00
40-49% Pass C 2.00
0-39% Fail F 0.00
Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Revised: July 2024

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) (Since 1988)
  • Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE) (Prior to 1988)
  • East African Certificate of Education (EACE) (Prior to 1980)

Basis of Admission

  • Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) with a minimum grade of C+
  • Cambridge General Certificate of Education (GCE) at Ordinary Level (O-level), showing at least five subjects passed with a grade of C or better
  • East African Certificate of Education or School Certificate, showing at least five subjects passed at Ordinary Level (0-level) with a grade of C or better (prior to 1980)

Secondary School / High School Grading Scale

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)

Letter Grade U.S. Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A A 4.00
A- A 4.00
B+ A- 3.67
B B+ 3.33
B- B 3.00
C+ B 3.00
C C+ 2.33
C- C 2.00
D+ C 2.00
D D 1.00
D- D 1.00
E F 0.00


Kenyan National Examinations Council (KNEC)

KNEC has an alternative grading scale.

KNEC grading system for colleges - When it comes to KNEC courses, candidates are awarded scores based on the “KNEC grading system for colleges.” The grade scales below applies to both certificate (artisan and craft levels) and the diploma grading system in Kenya for KNEC exams including most KNEC higher diploma courses.

KNEC grading system for colleges for exams - Scale 1

Grade Percentage Scale Description U.S. Grade Equivalent

US Grade Point Average (GPA)

1 80-100 Distinction A 4.00
2 75-79 Distinction A 4.00
3 70-74 Credit A- 3.67
4 60-69 Credit B+ 3.33
5 50-59 Pass B 3.00
6 40-49 Pass C 2.00
7 0-39 Fail F 0.00

KNEC grading system for colleges for awards - Scale 2

Grade Description
1 & 2 Pass with distinction
3 & 4 Pass with credit
5 & 6 Pass
7 Fail

Ghana Education Service (GES)
GES also has another grading scale.

Ghana Education Service is a government agency under the Ministry of Education responsible for implementing government policies that ensure that Ghanaians of school-going age irrespective of their ethnicity, gender, disability, religious and political dispositions receive quality formal education.

The Technical and Vocational Education Division (TVED) is one of the Ten (10) Divisions of the Ghana Education Service (GES) Headquarters responsible for implementing pre-tertiary Technical and Vocational Education under the Ministry of Education (MoE).

TVED Grading Scale (for Diplomas)

Letter Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A Distinction A 4.00
B Credit B+ 3.33
C Good B 3.00
D Pass C 2.00
F Fail F 0.00

Teachers' Colleges Grading Scale

Letter Grade Percentage Suggested US Equivalence US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 80-100% A 4.00
A- 76-79% A 4.00
B+ 72-75% A 4.00
B 68-71% B 3.00
B- 64-67% B 3.00
C+ 60-63% B 3.00
C 56-59% C 2.00
C- 52-55% C 2.00
D+ 48-51% C 2.00
D 44-47% C 2.00
D- 40-43% F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instuction

  • English

Revised: October 2021

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • Cambridge Overseas School Certificate
  • General Certificate of Education O Levels

During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application

  • Copies of transcripts containing a record of all courses taken and individual grades received

  • Copies of diplomas if graduation date is not listed on the transcript

Please note: Applicants who are in their final year of secondary school/high school can be considered for admission based on their partial grade reports/transcripts.

Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide

  • Official transcripts showing date of graduation.

Grading Scales

Lesotho General Certificate of Education (LGCSE)

Grade Descriptor US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A* Excellent A 4.00
A Very Good A 4.00
B Good B 3.00
C Fairly Good B 3.00
D Moderate C 2.00
E Limited C 2.00
F Very Limited F 0.00
G Weak F 0.00

General Secondary School Grading Scale

Cambridge Overseas Certificate (COSC)

Numeric Grade Descriptor US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
1 Excellent A 4.00
2 Good B 3.00
3-6 Credit C 2.00
7-8 Pass D 1.00
9 Fail F 0.00

Advanced Standing

  • Coming Soon!

Transfer Credit

  • Coming Soon!

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • Sotho and English


Created: April 2021

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  •  West Africa Senior School Certificate (WASSCE) administered by the West African Examination Council (WAEC)

Basis of Admission:

  • Five subjects with passing grades, including English and Math, and GPA average at or above 2.50.

During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application

  • Copies of WASSCE certificate or result slips

Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide

  • Official WASSCE Certificate issued directly by WAEC


Secondary School Grading Scale

West African Examinations Council (WAEC)

Letter/Number Grade Description Percentage Scale US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A1 Excellent 75-100 A 4.00
B2 Very Good 70-74 A 4.00
B3 Good 65-69 B 3.00
C4 Credit 60-64 B 3.00
C5 Credit 55-59 B 3.00
C6 Credit 50-54 B 3.00
D7 Pass 45-49 C 2.00
E8 Pass 40-44 C 2.00
F9 Failure 0-39 F 0

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • English

Created: July 2024

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent
  • Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Secondaire (Secondary Education Baccalaureate)
  • Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Technique (Technical Education Baccalaureate) 
Secondary School Grading Scale
Number Scale French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20 Très Bien (Very Good) A 4.00
12-13.9 Bien (Good) B+ 3.33
11-11.9 Assez Bien (Fairly Good) B 3.00
10.5-10.9 Passable (Passing) B- 2.67
10.1-10.4 Moyen (Sufficient) C+ 2.33
10 Moyen (Sufficient) C 2.00
9-9.9 Moyen (Sufficient) C- 1.67
8-8.9 Insuffisant (Insufficient) D 1.00
0-7.9 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • French
Revised: July 2020

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • Malawi General Certificate of Education / Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE)
Basis of Admission
  • Malawi General Certificate of Education/Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE): Five subjects with passing grades, including English and Math, with an average GPA of 2.50 or above.
During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application
  • Copies of MGCE or MSCE result slip(s)
  • Copies of MGCE or MSCE Certificate(s)
Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide
  • Official Malawi General Certificate of Education/Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) issued directly by Malawi National Examinations Board.

Secondary School/High School Grading Scale

Number Scale Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
1-2 Distinction A 4.00
3-6 Credit B 3.00
7-8 Pass C 2.00
9 Fail F 0.00
Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • English


Revised: September 2023

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE "O" Levels). Students obtain School Certificate.

Secondary School/ High School Grading Scale

GCSE- Prior to 2017

Letter Grade US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A* A 4.00
A A 4.00
B B 3.00
C B 3.00
D C 2.00
E C 2.00
F D 1.00
G D 1.00

GSCE- New Scale (Began in 2017)

Letter Grade US Grade Equivalent

US Grade Point Average (GPA)

7-9 A 4.00
4-6 B 3.00
2-3 C 2.00
1 D 1.00
U F 0.00

Advanced Standing

  • General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination (A-levels). Students receive a Higher School Certificate.

Please Note: Up to 8 credits will be awarded for each Advanced Level result equivalent to a C or higher grade. See Equivalency Table here.  

A-Levels Grading Scale

Letter Grade US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A* A 4.00
A A 4.00
B B 3.00
C B 3.00
D C 2.00
E C 2.00



Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • French

Revised: June 2019

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • Attestation du Baccalauréat
  • Baccalauréat d’Enseignement Technologique et Professionnel (BETP)

During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application:

  • Copies of the Relevé de Notes du Baccalauréat (results for the baccalauréat examination)
  • Copies of the diploma
  • Authorized word-for-word English translations

Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide:

  • Official Relevé de Notes du Baccalauréat (the official transcript for the examinations issued by the government.

Secondary School/High School Grading Scale

Number Scale US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20 A 4.00
12-13 B 3.00
10-11 C 2.00
0-9 F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • French

Revised: June 2024

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • Certificado de Habilitação Literarias (Certificate of Learning Competence)

Basis of Admission

  • Certificado de Habilitação Literarias results with an equivalent of 2.50 US GPA or higher

During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application:

  • Copies of Certificado de Habilitação Literarias (Certificate of Learning Competence)
  • Language proficiency scores

Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide:

  • Official Certificado de Habilitação Literarias (Certificate of Learning Competence)

Secondary School/High School Grading Scale

Number Scale Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
15-20 Excellent A 4.00
12-14.99 Very Good B 3.00
10-11.99 Good C 2.00
0-9.99 Fail F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.


Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • Portuguese


Revised: March 2024

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

From 2007-2021:

  • Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary Level (NSSCO)
  • Higher Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate (HNSSC)  (2007-2021)

Note: Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) were taken at the Ordinary and Higher Levels (NSSCO and NSSCH, respectively)

From 2021:

  • Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary Level (NSSCO) continues post-2021 (and is benchmarked against Cambridge Assessment International Education’s International General Certificate of Secondary Education/IGCSEs)
  • Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate Advanced Subsidiary Level (NSSCAS) (replaced the HNNSC) and benchmarked against Cambridge Assessment International Education’s AS Levels (Advanced standing credit may be considered)
Phased out: As from 2007, the Ministry took over the professional and administrative functions of the:
  • International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
  • Higher International General Certificate of Secondary Education (HIGCSE)


Basis of Admission:

  • Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC), with a total minimum of five (Ordinary or Higher or a combination of both) subjects including Math and English, and a minimum  of 2.50 US GPA.


Secondary School/High School Grading Scale

Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary Level (NSSCO)

Letter Grade US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A A 4.00
A A 4.00
B B+ 3.33
C B 3.00
D & E C 2.00
F & G D 1.67
H (ungraded) F 0.00

Higher International General Certificate of Secondary Education (HIGCSE)/National Senior Secondary Certificate Higher Level (NSSCH)

Number Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
1 Excellent A 4.00
2 Very Good A- 3.67
3 Good B 3.00
4 Satisfactory C 2.00

Cambridge IGCSE

Cambridge IGCSE Level US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A* A+ 4.00
A A 4.00
B A- 3.67
C B 3.00
D C+ 2.33
E C 2.00
F D+ 1.33
G D 1.00
Ungraded F 0.00
Advanced Standing

Each AS equals 4 advanced standing credits.
View the AS equivalency table here:


Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate Advanced Subsidiary Level (NSSCAS)

Letter Grade US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
a A 4.00
b B 3.00
c B 3.00
d C 2.00
e C 2.00


Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • English


Revised: June 2023

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • At the end of the 12th year in May/June, students sit for the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) and are awarded West Africa Senior School Certificate (WASSC) from The West African Examination Council (WAEC) or the Senior School Certificate (SSC) from National Examination Council (NECO*). 

*In 1999, the National Examinations Council (NECO) was created by the Nigerian government as a means of widening access and providing an alternative to the West African Senior School Certificate (WASSCE) awarded by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC). 

Basis of Admission

  • WASSCE from WAEC or SSC from NECO certificate - five subjects with passing grades, including English and Math, with an average at or above 2.50 GPA.

During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application:

  • Copies of Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE)  or O-level Result slips, or
  • Copies of WASSCE, SSSC or O-level Certificates

Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide:

  • Official WASSCE, SSSC or O-level Certificates issued directly by WAEC

Secondary School/ High School Grading Scale

West Africa Senior School Certificate (WASSCE) from WAEC and the Senior School Certificate from NECO. The SSCE grading scale is as follows for both WAEC and NECO administered examinations

Letter/Number Grade Description Percentage US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A1 Excellent 75-100 A 4.00
B2 Very Good 70-74 A 4.00
B3 Good 65-69 B 3.00
C4 Credit 60-64 B 3.00
C5 Credit 55-59 B 3.00
C6 Credit 50-54 B 3.00
D7 Pass 45-49 C 2.00
E8 Pass 40-44 C 2.00
F9 Failure 0-39 F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.

Advanced Standing

  • The General Certificate of Education A-level examinations were replaced by the SSCE in 1989; however, students can still sit these exams in November, if interested or needed because of poor SSCE results.

*A-levels - Up to 8 credits will be awarded for each Advanced Level result equivalent to a C or higher grade. See Equivalency Table:

A-Levels Grading Scale

Letter Grade US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A* A 4.00
A A 4.00
B B 3.00
C B 3.00
D C 2.00
E C 2.00
Ungraded F 0.00

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • English

Revised: July 2024

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • Advanced General Certificate of Secondary Education (3 years)
  • Advanced Certificate of Technical Secondary Education (3 years)
  • Diplôme de Fin d'Études Secondaires (3 years)

Basis of Admission

  • Advanced General Certificate of Secondary Education issued by the Rwanda Education Board with a minimum of 2 principal passes with a C or above and a "Pass" in the General Paper. 
  • Please see specific notes about Rwanda's education system and grading at the end of this document.

Secondary Advanced Level Examination Certificate (2011)

(Secondary School Equivalent)

Grade Scale US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 6 A 4.00
B 5 B+ 3.33
C 4 B 3.00
D 3 C+ 2.33
E 2 C 2.00
S (Subsidiary) 1 S Passed at Subs level
F 0 F 0.00
*Note: The General Paper is typically graded with a single passing grade of S (subsidiary).


Rwanda Advanced Level Examination Certificate - After 2011

(Secondary School Equivalent)

Indigenous Numeric Grade Indigenous Percentage Grade Indigenous Letter Grade English Grade Descriptor Suggested U.S. Equivalence US Grade Point Average (GPA)
11 85 - 100% A Excellent A 4.00
10 80 - 84% A- Excellent A- 3.67
9 75 - 79% B+ Very Good B+ 3.33
8 70 - 74% B Very Good B 3.00
7 65 - 69% B- Very Good B- 2.67
6 60 - 64% C+ Merit C+ 2.33
5 55 - 59% C Merit C 2.00
4 50 - 54% C- Merit C- 1.67
3, 2 40 - 49% D+, D Pass D+, D 1.00
1, 2 0 - 39% F Fail F 0.00

*Note: The General Paper is typically graded with a single passing grade of S (subsidiary).

Rwanda Certificate of Education O-Level

(Less than secondary school)

Scale Grade Description US Grade US Grade Point Average (GPA)
1.00 - 2.00 Distinction A 4.00
3.00 - 6.00 Credit B 3.00
7.00 - 8.00 Pass C 2.00
9.00   F 0.00

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • English
  • French
  • Kinyarwanda
  • Swahili

Revised: April 2022

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE "O" Level)
  • Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) 

Basis of Admission:

  • Five General Certificate of Education (GCE) or International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) (at a minimum Grade C) including English Language and Mathematics.
  • Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.50

During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application:

  • Copies of GCE O-level Result slips or
  • Copies of GCE O-level Certificates

Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide:

  • Official GCE O-level Certificates 

Secondary School/High School Grading Scale

GCSE and IGCSE Letter Grading Scale
Letter Grade US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A* A 4.00
A A 4.00
B B 3.00
C B 3.00
D C 2.00
E C 2.00
F D 1.00
G D 1.00

GCSE and IGCSE Numeric Grading Scale

Letter Grade US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
9 A 4.00
8 A 4.00
7 A 4.00
6 B+ 3.33
5 B 3.00
4 B 3.00
3 C+ 2.33
2 C 2.00
1 D 1.00
U F 0.00

Advanced Standing

Up to 8 credits will be awarded for each Advanced Level result equivalent to a C or higher grade. See Equivalency Table:

A-Levels Grading Scale

General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE "A" Level) 

Letter Grade US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A* A 4.00
A A 4.00
B B 3.00
C B 3.00
D C 2.00
E C 2.00
Ungraded F 0.00 

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • English

Revised: June 2024

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • West Africa Senior School Certificate (WASSCE) administered by the West African Examination Council (WAEC)

Basis of Admission:

  • Five subjects with passing grades, including English and Math, and GPA average at or above 2.50.

During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application:

  • Copies of WASSCE certificate or result slips

Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide:

  • Official WASSCE Certificate issued directly by WAEC

Secondary School/High School Grading Scale

West African Examinations Council (WAEC) 

Letter/Number Grade Description Percentage Scale US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A1 Excellent 75-100 A 4.00
B2 Very Good 70-74 A 4.00
B3 Good 65-69 B 3.00
C4 Credit 60-64 B 3.00
C5 Credit 55-59 B 3.00
C6 Credit 50-54 B 3.00
D7 Pass 45-49 C 2.00
E8 Pass 40-44 C 2.00
F9 Failure 0-39 F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • English

Revised: July 2024

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • The National Senior Certificate (NSC) (which replaced the Senior Certificate)
  • Senior Certificate with Matriculation Endorsement/Exemption
  • National Technical Certificate N3


Basis of Admission:

  • The National Senior Certificate - at least five subjects with passing grades, including English and Math, with a minimum GPA of 2.50.


During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application:

  • Copies of National Senior Certificate or Result slips.


Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide:

  • Official National Senior Certificate issued by Umalusi - Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training.


Secondary School/High School Grading Scale

Number Scale Percentage Scale Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
7 80-100 Outstanding Achievement A 4.00
6 70-79.99 Meritious Achievement A 4.00
5 60-69.99 Substantial Achievement B 3.00
4 50-59.99 Adequate Achievement C 2.00
3 40-49.99 Moderate Achievement D 1.00
2 30-39.99 Elementary Achievement D- 0.67
1 0-29.99 - F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • English

Revised: January 2024

US High School Diploma Equivalent
  • South Sudan Certificate of Secondary Education (SSCSE)
Basis of Admission
  • South Sudan Certificate of Secondary Education (SSCSE)
During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application
  • Copy of the South Sudan Certificate of Secondary Education (SSCSE)


Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide

  • Official South Sudan Certificate of Secondary Education (SSCSE) issued by the National Examinations Council
Secondary School/High School Grading Scale
Scale Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
80.00 - 100 Distinction A 4.00
70.00 - 79.99 Good B+ 3.33
60.00 - 69.99 Above Average B 3.00
50.00 - 59.99 Average/Pass C* 2.00
0.00 - 49.99 Poor F 0.00

*Lowest passing grade.

Please Note: The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales from this country. Check your transcripts for your institutional grading scale and if different, please upload it with your academic records. 

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • English

Revised: September 2023

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE)
  • The East Africa General Certificate of Education O-Level


Basis of Admission

  • Five subjects with passing grades, including English and Math, with an average GPA of 2.50 or above.


During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application

  • Copies of CSE or O-level Result slips or
  • Copies of CSE or O-level Certificates


Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide

  • Official CSE or O-level Certificates issued directly by the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA)


Secondary School/High School Grading Scale

Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE)

Letter Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A Pass A 4.00
B Pass A 4.00
C Pass B+ 3.33
D Pass B 3.00
E Pass C 2.00
S Subsidiary Pass D 1.00
F Fail F 0.00

Advanced Standing - Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) (like A-levels) (Previously known as the National Form Six Examination Certificate)  

Up to 8 credits will be awarded for each Advanced Level result equivalent to a C or higher grade. See Equivalency Table here.

Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) Grading scale

Letter Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A Excellent A 4.00
B Very Good B+ 3.33
C Good B 3.00
D Satisfactory C+ 2.33
E Poor C 2.00
F Fail F 0.00
S Subsidiary Pass* F 0.00

*Insufficient for a pass at ACSE level, but adequate for a pass at CSE level.


Advanced Standing - The National Examinations Council of Tanzania Full Technician Certificate

The certificate is comparable to one year of university study. Credit may be awarded on a course-by-course (with subjects with grade D or higher).

National Technical Examinations Full Technician Certificate Grading Scale

Letter Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A Excellent A 4.00
B Very Good B+ 3.33
C Good B 3.00
D Satisfactory C+ 2.33
E Poor C 2.00
F Fail F 0.00
S Subsidiary Pass* F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.


Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • English

Revised: October 2023

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent
  • Diplôme du baccalauréat général
  • Diplôme du baccalauréat technologique
  • Diplôme du baccalauréat professionnel
  • Certificat de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires. Students who fail the baccalauréat examination are issued the certificat de fin d’études secondaires.
  • Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Secondaire (2ème partie) - Secondary Education Baccalaureate 2nd part
  • Diplôme ďAccès aux Études Universitaires - High School Equivalency Diploma

During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application:

  • Copies of high school examination results for the baccalauréat examination issued by the Ministry of Education
  • Copy of high school diploma issued by the Ministry of Education (Diplôme du Baccalauréat Général)
  • Authorized word-for-word English translations

Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide:

  • Official Diplôme du baccalauréat/high school diploma issued by the Ministry of Education
  • Official bulletin de notes/high school examination results for the baccalauréat examination issued by the Ministry of Education. Alternatively, photocopies of bulletin de notes will be accepted if certified by the French government (WES).
Secondary School/High School Grading Scale
Number Scale French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20 Très Bien (Very Good)  A 4.00
12-13.9 Bien (Good) B+ 3.33
11-11.9 Assez Bien (Fairly Good) B 3.00
10.5-10.9 Passable (Passing) B- 2.67
10.1-10.4 Moyen (Sufficient) C+ 2.33
10 Moyen (Sufficient) C 2.00
9-9.9 Moyen (Sufficient) C- 1.67
8-8.9 Insuffisant (Insufficient) D 1.00
0-7.9 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction
  • French

Revised: July 2024

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • Diplôme du baccalauréat

During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application:

  • Copies of high school examination results for the baccalauréat examination issued by the Ministry of Education
  • Copies of high school diploma issued by the Ministry of Education (Diplôme du Baccalauréat Général)
  • Authorized word-for-word English translations

Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide:

  • Official Diplôme du baccalauréat/high school diploma issued by the Ministry of Education
  • Official bulletin de notes/high school examination results for the baccalauréat examination issued by the Ministry of Education. 

Secondary School/High School Grading Scale - Francophone system:

Number Scale French (English) Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
14-20 Très bien (Very Good) A 4.00
12-13.9 Bien (Good) B+ 3.33
11-11.9 Assez Bien (Fairly Good) B 3.00
10.5-10.9 Passable (Passing) B- 2.67
10.1-10.4 Moyen (Sufficient) C+ 2.33
10 Moyen (Sufficient) C 2.00
9-9.9 Moyen (Sufficient) C- 1.67
8-8.9 Insuffisant (Insufficient) D 1.00
0-7.9 Ajourné (Fail) F 0.00
Please Note: 
- The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.


Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • French
  • Arabic


Revised: July 2024

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • Ugandan Certificate of Education (UCE) - O-levels

Secondary School/High School Grading Scale

Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE)

Letter Grade Number Scale Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 1-2 Very Good A 4.00
B 3-6 Pass with Credit B 3.00
C 7-8 Subject Pass C 2.00
F 9 Pass F 0.00

Advanced Standing

Up to 8 credits will be awarded for each Advanced Level result equivalent to a C or higher grade. See Equivalency Table here.

Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education Grading Scale

Letter Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A Excellent A 4.00
B Very Good B+ 3.33
C Good B 3.00
D Satisfactory C+ 2.33
E Poor C 2.00
F Fail F 0.00
S Subsidiary Pass-
F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.

Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • English

Revised: June 2019

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • The Zambian School Certificate Examination
  • General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE “O” levels)


Basis of Admission:

  • Five subjects with passing grades, including English and Math, with an average GPA of 2.50 or above.


During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application:

  • Copies of The Zambian School Certificate Examination or results slip
  • Copies of General Certificate of Education O-levels Examination or results slip


Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide:

  • Official Zambian School Certificate or General Certificate of Education issued directly by Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ)


Secondary School/High School Grading Scale

Number Scale Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
1-2 Disctinction A 4.00
3-4 Merit B 3.00
5-6 Credit C 2.00
7-8 Satisfactory D 1.00
9 Unsatisfactory F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.


Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • English

Revised: October 2023

U.S. High School Diploma Equivalent

  • Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (O-levels) (set and marked by Zimbabwe Examinations Council (ZIMSEC))


Basis of Admission:

  • GCSE O-levels: Five subjects with passing grades, including English and Math, with an average GPA of 2.50 or above.


During the application process, applicants must upload the following documents into their online application:

  • Copies of GCE O-level Result slips or
  • Copies of GCE O-level Certificates


Prior to registering for classes, applicants must provide:

  • Official GCE O-level Certificates issued directly by ZIMSEC


Secondary School/High School Grading Scale

Letter Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A Highest passing grade A 4.00
B   B 3.00
C   C 2.00
D   D 1.00
E Lowest passing grade D 1.00
U Fail F 0.00

Advanced Standing

  • Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (A-level)
  • Cambridge Higher Certificate = 8 credits Advanced Standing per A-Level

Please Note: Up to 8 credits will be awarded for each Advanced Level result equivalent to a C or higher grade. See Equivalency Table here.


A level Grading Scale

Letter Grade Description US Grade Equivalent US Grade Point Average (GPA)
A Very Good A 4.00
B Good B 3.00
C Average C 2.00
D Weak D 1.00
E Pass D 1.00
O Ordinary Pass D 1.00
F Fail F 0.00

Please Note:  The information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common grading scales from this country. Check your academic documents and if the grading scale is different, please upload it with your academic records.


Official Language and/or Language of Instruction

  • English

Revised: October 2023

Visit Undergraduate Admissions for more information.